About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Angels Visitation

Received this in an email today. It so happens there are angel visitations in a christian meeting in Surabaya, Indonesia which is the hotspot for christians there. Praise God! None of the photos are digitally enhanced or disturbed.

Angels appear in Indonesian Church

A fellow in Indonesia named Jimmy sent me the below photo with this explanation:

'I herewith send you a picture of seven Angels appeared at an
International Church Growth Seminar, July 1 - 4, 2002, in Surabaya ,
Indonesia . The Angels were dancing in front of the stage during
praise and worship session; Nobody knew until the film was processed
and printed. I was sent this picture by a friend & there is no camera
trick !!! I think that I need to send you this picture to be shared
with others ... what a tremendous joy !!! God bless & Maranatha.'

(He also gave the URL for the church http://www.bethanygraha.org/

Since I do not really know Jimmy, and even though I had no reason to
doubt, I preferred some confirmation of such an astonishing
phenomenon, so I inquired of a missionary/evangelist friend, Darrel
Stott, who spends a lot of time in Indonesia and knows many people
there. Darrell replied that he frequently ministers in that particular
church, and said:

'It would be credible from my opinion. The biggest change in my last
two trips was angelic activity in the meetings and increase in
physical healings. In various meeting, groups of young adults came to
the front and pointed and talked to the angels as I ministered. They
spoke in a language that sounded like tongues to the angels but they
also could understand each other in this tongue as they spoke to the

The photograhper who took these shots was not aware that he had
captured angels until he developed the photos. These were captured
some six or seven years ago when digital photos were no common yet.
(The church group had just completed building an orang asli church and
was holding a prayer meeting at the church which was not yet painted
and had no furniture).

Judge for yourself: [strangely only mozzila can view the pictures,
somebody help me make it IE compatible?]

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