About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Friday, August 19, 2011


Hi everyone,

sorry for not updating my blog past two weeks. Been so busy chasing after assignments. Basic reasons for everybody i guess. Anyway, had an awesome time in cell group last night and we were discussing hard truths of the Christian faith. Have u ever experienced any? Perhaps some part in the bible , the english terms challenges your modern thinking and culture. Here are some that we were discussing about

1.Submission of women:
Colossians 3:18
Wives, be submissive to your husbands , as it is fitting in the Lord

Hard, aye? Every female species out there would be flaring in anger, calling the human rights and complaining to God. There was an aunty who said that there is one lady who was abused as she taken this verse to heart literally and now she's steering clear of the christian faith. So what does this verse actually mean?

Everything has it's balance. Of course, no way a man should treat his wife badly and abuse her as the bible did say, Husband to love their wives fully too. In that situation of love, a lady has no problem trusting and being submissive to her husband. If the husband is making wrong decision, of course, the wife should not be submissive to the decision being made. Balance is the key.

There is parental leadership and leadership "leadership". In this case, the guy is made to be the parental leader. Wives can have leadership elsewhere in the community, church and etc...

There's the old saying that men is the head and women are the necks.... LOL.... still true to today i guess.

2nd. Hating your family

Luke 14: 26 If anyone comes to me and does not hate his family, yes, even his own life, cannot be my disciple

The greatest debacle i've heard and seen in my whole life. Truly right? If anyone takes this issue to heart and literally in all sense it is wrong. As the commandment did say to love one another and to respect your parents. The verse actually means to give God a higher priority in life and when you love him so much , it almost becomes a degree of hate towards your family. Not hate "hate" as in disliking, animosity or being an enemy but rather the hate as in a lower priority compared to God. God first, family second.

If you think about it, let's say you're in a scale bar of love. A is hate, B is neutral, C is Love . Problem is, Love cannot be defined and it's endless towards infinity. Incomprehendable! So if u keep on working towards love, the neutrality of B seems to much closer to A which is almost hate. Get it?

That pretty much sums it up. So what hard truths have you ever encountered?
