About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Praise the Lord oh my Soul

Boy, this week has a lot of happenings.

1. I lost my pendrive but it was found

I wanna thank the Lord so much. I didn't even knew i lost it till monday. I was at campus last saturday where i left my pendrive (4gb) still attached to the comp. Some good samaritan manage to get hold of it and contact me by finding out my student ID through some of my word documents. I can't help being so gratedul. ALL my assignments were in it.

However, i think studying alot these days has replace me memory. I kept on forgetting more important stuff.

I LOST my OTHER pendrive!!!!! sigh......Just when i learnt me lesson, the other one is gone. But i shall still praise the Lord because good thing i handed in all my assignments earlier from that pendrive. it was a backup pendrive but still, i hope in the Lord that the pendrive would be found again. Please pray for it!

2. Disappointments become my strength

I took the wrong side of studying this semester. Instead of beating myself i wanted so much to be at par with the rest of my classmates. In the end, i pressurised myself so much that my quizzes start dwindling down. So i tried this week to beat myself and put less pressure! Turns out i manage to get full marks i think! Wohoo~

i Must remember that this week!

3. Programming project

one whole day......half only done......sigh. I shall ask the Lord for wisdom again.

That's all i think so far. Shall update again during the Gawai Holiday.

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