About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Friday, June 19, 2009

This phrase made my day

Today, was the most interesting day.

As some of you might know, i am currently stressing over my finals next week. Making short notes, revising through tons of textbook, slides, and redoing every single tutorial i've done. To top up with the stress i have been in sleep debt. Currently, forcing my body to get used to having sleep averagely of 6 hours per day so that i won't feel that bad during exam. Surprisingly, i have managed surviving past week.

Currently, i am stressed and anxious upon the reason i am not anxious for exams. I do not have the usual gut feeling. I guess what my mom said is true. The wonders of our prayers.

My goal: To glorify God's name from my results. Nothing more and nothing less. What's the point of comparing with others? After all, there is only one Anders. We're not going to be in the same course, field or work. Competitiveness is just a mere encouragement to do better. Not a benchmark! (note to self) I wanna make a good name for God and myself and retain my results. Also to be the top in programming! It's something i have knack for somehow. hehe.

Anyway back to the that special thing that happened today. I was eating with Seraphina at the usual old Yat Yat Sing cafe enjoying our meal of kuih-muih and my Hong Sau Tofu Fan . We were chatting away when suddenly our conversation was interrupted by this foreign man.

Foreigner with an accent: Are you Korean (looks at me)

Me: *blank blank* *bats eyes*


Foreigner: Because you look like some korean i know......

Me: I'm sorry, i have never met you.

Foreginer: *chuckles* Ok , sorry, Bye~



Seraphina almost fainted i think. Omigosh! If yo mistake me for a malay, indian, iban, melanau, kenyah ,kayan, and bumi or darkish-brownish races like pakistanis and fillipinos in the world ;i don't doubt it because we make mistakes as i look like them.

But korean??!!

1. I am not fair-skinned. I don't know that this is a stereotype but i think most koreans are fair.
2. I do not speak with a foreign accent.
3. I have curly hair and dark brown skin.
4. I do not speak hangeul.

The only might possibility teeny weeny similarity is our eyes. Face it, chinese, japanese and koreans come from all the same roots :China. So there a chance there.

But then again, i think my eyes are rounder and not so "sepet" until i smile a big wide grin.

Remember my post about national intergration?


Scrap that!

I AM AN INTERNATIONAL DELEGATE! Haha. From ambassador for Malaysia, i because Ambassador for Asia.

I mean why not? hehe.

ps: Maybe next they will think that i look like red indian from USA. Then, i become an ambassador for the world. Hehehe!

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