About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Tit and Tat

This week i gotta say is one of the busiest and fastest week. As i focus on Sunday the 8th, i feel so reluctant to go back to Miri. Looking back at the past three months, i feel glad i did many things that benefited myself. It is the most fruitful holiday i must say. Nevermind folks, just another 6 weeks and i will back for my term break (yes i know it's fast) . *chants i'm just there for studying chants * Sigh~ I seriously feel like a lazy bum. So many great things are going to happen especially in EBC and i'm missing it. I wish i can be in Kuching to see the spark of revival. Yes, i know i am going totally random because i am having mixed feelings right now. At the moment i am trying to pack but i really can't do much because i'm still using the items needed. Ahh well. I think i am like the last one to arrive in Miri. This term is going to be the busiest ever with extra classes and cocurriculum. Church in Miri is going to have a Saturday night service for young people too. Hope something will happen.

Today also marks the end of my piano lessons. As some may know i've been crash coursing throughout the hols, practising really hard. Personally, i felt that i wanted to improve my skill because i felt a pull in the spirit to continue[thank you Jesus!]. Don't believe i could do it? Here's my rendition of Lowside Blues for ABRSM Grade 7. I mastered that in a week. Sorry for the bad sound quality or mistakes in the song {and my clock for ringing}. Haha.

It's been a long time since i was that determined. This time i am determine to be determined in everything i do this term (lol) . The last time i was determine was in 2007's SPM and in 2004 where i wanted to try to beat Samantha (Just 10 marks!) . But yeah, things kinda spiral down. Piano helped me to be more focus, discipline and alert. I wanna get 90+ HD all the way liao. I can DO it through the strength Christ Gives ME!

I also got Celcom Broadband to serve my student needs in Miri. Free Deconnexion wi-fi is going down. So yeah, this is like backup and very useful especialyl during project submissions and exam time.

Yes i know i have a fat chin.

I also got my driving license today! Yippee~ I passed my test last Monday. My examiner was actually sleeping in the car. SO he simply marked the form when i reached back to the institute. I only got a sad 17/20 though i did everything right. Haih~ Oh well. I got my license, so there! Going to drive today and tomorrow!. WOOhoo~

Last Tuesday was Wilson's B'day. Got him a practical gift of guitar picks and a guitar pick holder since he is always losing 'em. WHY is that buying gifts for girls is so easy? Guys things are always apparel though they really want electronics. Oh well~ It's so hard to think out of the box when buying gifts. Buy flower or plushie for your gf and they will scream or cry. Buy that for a guy and you'll get "the look" . Haha. Speaking on apparels, why is that men's clothing or fashion is so common YET expensive? It's not fair at all. Haih~

I think that pretty sums up my feelings right now.Sunday + Mundane Miri please come slower. The only thing to look forward is new shops. *sad* Yippee~

I wish i could study in Curtin Perth. Haih~

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