About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Yesterday's meeting was the best. The crowd was large and the anointing level was super awesome. And as expected, people were receiving so much from God . People were laughing(including me) very intensely.When we look at each other, we laugh even more.
Not only that the photo i took have blue, purple, pink and green angels!!!!!!!!!!!! So cool. SO unexpected. Gold dust, silver dust and even precious stones appeared(to be clarified real or fake). Today's post is not a long one but have many pictures for you to see.

Large angels watching tv XD..........
Look at michelle purple angel.........

BLue nagle at the Tv again

Large Angel at the door

Aww.............. What a beautiful pink angel

Anoitning oil....look at the shiny thumbs and index finger

At the pole and beams............

Large angel near the clock

The crowd

Tv section again

Angels near Joshua..........

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