About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Encouragement From Darrel Stott

This is from his newsletter :(mind you, we're from the Southern Baptist Church Denomination)

Let me Share with you about the Church in Kutching

in Borneo Malaysia

In Kutching Malaysia the Southern Baptist Church is packed out each meeting with standing room only. In America we would put 150 into the church. Here they have packed 380 each night. Most Pentecostal churches are dead compared to this Baptist church.

The Glory and angelic presence has increased every meeting. As the sick and hungry look in my eyes I am overwhelmed with excitement asI realize their lives will never be the same because I come with the Good News of the Gospel of JESUS!

When I am tired, feel burnt out, and do not want to get on another airplane I remember the eyes and faces of the people. Do you understand? If we do not come....they have no hope. If we do not come their lives stay the same. Jesus in us in that powerful.

Look in the eyes of young Jeremy 9 yrs as he lays with no hope looking at an advertising poster of me in his church. What do you see?

On behalf of the hurting I thank you for praying for me. For loving me and sending and supporting me.

Love you all.

Darrel Stott


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