About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

To all Malaysians

Can you all do us a favour.....

On the seventeenth of October this month(2005)they'll be a broadcast on a sickly boy named Jeremy Ak Sikad on "Rancangan Bersamamu" at TV3. This boy is infected with 'JE' virus. I've known him as he comes to our church. Very pitiful indeed.The mom has to feed him thorugh a tube everyday.The boy(jeremy)almost cries everytime in church due to the pain .He had gone through many series of operations and the mom and father needs the public to help for donations to help them through.

What can we help?
-By watching the "Bersamamu channel"
-Donating through SMSes
-Following other methods to help them through the instruction on tv.There will be addresses and etc.......

Prayer Points
-To ask our Lord Jesus to heal him(he is more than willing)
-To pray for people willing to help the family
-Pray for abundant donations

It is time christians in Malaysia play a part in helping the community through charity works.
Please help.......

Please repost this to tell others....Thank you.
From, a member at Emmanuel Baptist Church

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