About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Finally my exams are over.So now i start my new blog.
For those who do not know, i just finish my public exams so now i'm extremely free.

about the exams......
jeng jeng jeng......
IT WAS SO EASY!!!!!!!!!!I study like hours and then come out all the easy question exam for Bahasa Melayu paper(Malaysian Language)grrrrrrr..............we all should sue the government for giving unecessary stress to fifteen year old students.Anway, i won't....cheerios.

About yesterday.............
I ate with the Choo family. They are from Kuala Lumpur.They came and shared in the mandarin service and the women's joy fellowship meeting.During the luncheon, i met my friends(The Choo's children)namely are Ian Choo,Sue-anne Choo, and Woon Fei. So sayang(what a pity), couldn't talk much becoz we were across each other at the 'round table'.Addition to that, i couldn't overpower the uncle's and auntie's voices if not i'll be sure to be scolded.Miss talking to them so much.

Sue-anne light up my day.She was practically chattering away with my sister and I.We talk and laugh together for an hour++.Boy, she really could laugh so much.After the luncheon, she followed us home for a treat becoz she and my sister won't be meeting each other today as she is leaving for KL(11 october).They laugh and laugh all the way home.Next, my sis and Sue-anne played "Worms World Party".......not bad for a six and eight year old.I as usual had to study for today's exam.My father then brought them to have fun at the Reservoir's Park without me(study mah).I heard they laugh and play throughout the trip.When they were tired, they all ate century eggs and drink coconut juice at a nearby stall. Lavender whom is my sis was sad when had to send Sue-anne home.

Oh well, i 'l write more later...............tata.......

Ps:Look at the blogger icon.....See the cat?Click it......very fun

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