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A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Daily Devos #3

I think today's chapter encourages us as a whole. Not so much of a new revelation but rather seeing the wonderful and perfect plan of God through the life of Paul. Today's Chapter is taken from Philipians 1:8-18 which speaks about Paul's imprisonment. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=57&version=49 S for scripture: Well, the whole thing speaks to me! Observation: Basically, the verse is speaking about Paul's insight towards his imprisonment. Because of God's hands upon Paul's life even his imprisonment encourages others to spread the gospel. His love for God which took him to the extreme; willing to sacrifice even his life for God become a living testimony. I'm really honoured to be able to learnt from such a man of God from this bible, many truths and teachings in churches today are because of him. Because of him he pioneered the move among the gentiles(non-jews). Most probably, without him we might not have been christians. Sometimes it makes me wonder, other than Jesus of course, to have such impact on the world for God? I think to Paul during his time, his actions of preaching the gospel wasn't sucha an international big hoo-haa but it had made a "domino" impact for Christ Jesus. Not only that, he was still an encouragement to the world even in prison! Such passion is recommendable but i donno about myself to be willing to die a matyr's death yet. IN every way, alive or dead, free or imprisoned, Paul was really a testimony for God. Even so, it should be our desire to be the same way like Paul to spread the gospel and encourage people around us. Although it may be small actions of faith, the impact will come by the grace of God, even if it takes time. :) Application: Well, it just strengthens and encourages me to go all out for God. I'm learning every day to be more like him. Prayer: Lord Jesus, i pray lord that you strengthen me and keep me faitfhful to you always for the rest of my life. Help me to make those little steps of faith for you Lord, so that it will glorify your name and extend your kingdom. Though i may not understand what you want me to do now, or what is going around me, or why i go through trials, Lord, help me to know always that it is for your purpose and plan. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

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