About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Finally.................( ^ .^ )

Hello everybody.....finally found some time to write on my blog. Been a very tiring month for me and Embacy(abbreviation for Emmanuel Baptist Church Youths). The latest camp we had, was our annual youth camp which started on the 7th of December to the 10th of December. The theme for the camp was " D' Encounter ". Wilson who is our youth leader got the word from God about this theme. It is also very relevant to our youths in the world because they are searching for something real and a encounter with someone which is God himself.

Day 1

I got up early as i need to prepare myself for the praise and worship as a musician. I reached church at about 7.15 am. The crowd began to came about 8.15 am. I chattered with a few friends while waiting for the camp to start. After that, the welcoming speech....camp rules...bla bla bla........Usual stuff. Then we had the praise and worship. It was a wonderful worship. I think some of the newcomers look pretty kekok. I don't blame them. I enjoy myself playing the keyboard to praise God. We had Pastor Kueh to preach that morning. He'll be preaching for all the mornings except the last day. According to what he say, he'll be teaching the theological sense of an encounter with God and Uncle Mervyn would be bringing us to the spiritual encounter with God. Anyway i can't really learn much from Pastor Kueh as his teaching is very monotonous and i felt sleepy.Not only me but majority of the youths felt the same way. Please pardon me Pastor. Well i did learn something from him anyway. A lot of the blibical truths. At least half a loaf is better than none right people? We had our lunch at 12.00-1.00 pm. We ate chicken rice. Oh yah before that we played the game angels and mortals. My mortal was David Chung(i'm his angels). The game is to treat him/her nicely till the end of the camp when u have the time to reveal urself to ur mortal. Pretty fun anyway.......We had games in the afternoon. You know lar, the radical youths always win wan.......Not fair! Hmmmph.....we only win once for the mummy game because of my cute sister........
Here are the list of the games:
-Cheer for your group
-Mummy game
-bible knowledge
-water gurgling game.....

I think liddat nia the games...............

to be continued...............

(part 2)

That night the meeting was awesome. Although i was playing the keyboard, i could felt the presence of God flowing upon me. A simple word about baptism was given by Uncle Mervyn. He didn't want to speak that much as he wants to allow the Holy Spirit to move in the church. That night only one person went for baptism which was Daniel Tan. I was very encourage to see him change from a disobedient person to a person who wants to know more about christ. It is a real ENCOUNTER with God. We went downstairs to witness the baptism service. As Daniel went into the pool and up again, he felt the presence of God so strongly. He was crying the pool. Amazingly, he was thrown into the pool again by the power of God just like my older brother last two years. Uncle Mervyn then quickly ask us to go upstairs and just worship God as he sense that the presence of God is strong. I felt shaky as i played the keyboard becoz of the power that flowed down from God. People just slain under the power of God. About six to seven of them are from Trinity Methodist Church and they said it is the first time they were slain under the power of God. GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!!
I then went back and did some last minute minor packing(because we're leaving for Santubong the next day)

Day 2

I reached the church at about 8.30 am. I thought that i will be late but anyway God help me reach there on time. We praise and worship God full of zeal that day. That day, Pastor preach on the names of God. At least better now. But i can't quite remember all becoz there are so many of them. We ate a good meal and went shopping for FOOD! As u might guess lar. Tradition for many years already. We'll have a party at the last night of the camp. Bought stuff for my mortal too.Went back around 12.45 pm to wait for the bus. The bus reach about 1.00 pm . We boarded the bus and left for Santubong at around 1.17 pm and reach Santubong at 2.30.

The night meeting was quite brief. God decide to move and touch several people. Amazingly when Wilson prophesied that some people are gonna dance, Charissa started to dance . Shocking and ironic isn't it. I didn't wanted to be distracted so i concentrated and slowly began to receive some fire from God. My hands were burning. The meeting lasted till 10++........


The morning was as usual. I played the keyboard. This time the preaching of God was much better. Not so boring.
-swimming and games

Now for the fun part. God moved in a strong way last night. My whole body was on fire. Besides that, i received new wine and began to laugh for a long time. Infectious really.......Really an encounter with God. Felt so angelic.

So sorry it is so short.................

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