About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Sunday, October 02, 2011


Due to popular demand, i shall blog a little

I guess it's only Hannah that read my blog. Haha

Anyway, it's 3 more weeks to my exam. 3 more weeks to my homecoming. 2 more weeks to my birthday .

I guess this is it. I'm finally going to be 21. I'm a man. I'm a voter. I have assumed responsibilities

BUT sometimes i don't feel like i'm old. I still feel that i'm in high school. Sometimes, i reject responsibilities because i wanna stay young.

But i've made a mental decision to buck up, grow up and man up. Haha. I'm gonna embrace my age and feel happy rather than age sulkily we many shoulda-coulda-wouldas.

I don't think my birthday is gonna be grand(exam) as many of my friends had. I shall not be materialistic and appreciate life ; all 21 years of it. I just want three things, Jesus to fill me up the whole day and his presence that follows me. To study and excel in my tests/exams/projects/assignments. And lastly

The ticket to Perth. God you are a miracle working God. Open the doors if it's meant to be open :).

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