About Me

A geologist to be learning and growing more in Jesus Christ. Yes, he is my Rock!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Petronas Educamp Experience Part II


The following day (16th April 2008), i was awaken by the stirring Ivan from his sleeping bag. Don't ask me why but he preferred sleeping on the floor rather than on the bed leaving the entire bed to myself. Wahahaha. Oh yah, forgot to mention about the hotel room. For my room, we had a bathtub and shower that is leaking, a clogged drainage system(flood in the bathroom literally), and super hot lamp lights. The lights practically can heat up the whole room like a sauna . Hence, we had to always live in the dark.

Where was I, hmmmmmmmmm. Ok so i woke up at 5.30 am which was one hour earlier than my schedule. Read some notes and took a bath. Went downstairs for breakfast with my roommates. I didn't eat much as i had butterflies in my stomach (lame). Spent my time reading some more notes.

So i went to the Nemesis room(its a star not something evil) at 7.45 to gather in our respective groups. I was A-06-05 which mean:

A=Group A which consist of about 40 people
06= You are in group/panel 6
05= You are the fifth speaker

Got into my proper group and made some new friends namely Ting Ling Ing, Zetty, Kershia, and Liew something something......Kershia you gotta help me. Haha. The Petronas Officer then gave us a briefing about the case study(which will be the interview). Its divided into two sessions; individual and discussion in groups. We had to give our views/opinions in both sessions. So Group A topic was Sport Policies. My task is "to create a Sport Policy to ensure sports is mandatory in School and Corporate Organizations to instill a competitive society". Each one of us in our small group had the same topic but different task to do and say. For example, one person's task is "to oppose the sport policies". Although your task is given that way, you can still oppose or agree with your task.

Basically we had 30 minutes to prepare and we went to another hotel room to do you interview. I was getting nervous and i broke out in cold sweat. Then, i notice something very important. I realised that i didn't read the finer prints in my case study. "to instill a competitive society". I didn't notice it earlier. I was nervous times three. All along, i was writing the benefits and how-to's to implement a good Sport Policy. So i quickly try to direct all my points so that it will "instill a competitive society".


Haha. So at last i went into the interview room. All my friends said negative comments saying the interviewers were so serious/moody/strict ecetera....I whispered a silent prayer asking God to help me. I did all the proper mannerism before i sat down and smiled. They smiled back. PHEW! Good sign leh. I was feeling very happy by then. Both interviewers asked something like this:

Interviewer:Tell us something about yourself. Your family? hobbies? etc?
Me:Yada yada yada yada.........

Interviewer: Which Course did you apply for?

Interviewer:So, which do you prefer, Overseas or In UTP(universiti teknologi petronas)?
Me: In my opinion, i don't mind any of them. My personal belief is that it doesn't matter how far or how long you study to achieve the course you want. Of course overseas they have the expertees and better experience but i still don't mind studying in UTP because later you can always further yourselves in that field.

Interviewer: What if we change your course?
Me: Hey, knowledge is always a gain not a loss. Even if you don't like it, knowledge is always beneficial.

Interviewer: But i'm sure you have an ambition right?
Me: Of course i have an ambition which is to be a biotechnologist or geologist. But like i said, knowledge is always a gain never a loss. So i do not mind.
*interviewer nods and wrote several comments*

Interviewer: you may start your case study

Yup so that was it. The funny thing was i wasn't cut off when i was speaking . That's a good sign i guess. My other friends were cut off and they were asked to keep their points for the discussion later. I spoke about the same time as my friends so i think it must be the grace of God. Anyway, during my points one of the interviewer yawn. I was quite tactful and i immediately change to my next point which relates to working people. Good thing i got her attention once more as i was elaborating too much on school i guess. After that, i shook hands with them and went out.

For group discussion , i spoke my points again. Personally i feel that our group went off topic as it was suppose to be concentrating on the society as a whole, NOT only athletes in Malaysia. I tried to bring the focus back to Malaysia holistically but some(i won't mention who) keep on focusing on athletes. The research points are just facts about Malaysian athletes AND the society.The facts are not suppose to be the points. Its a form of misdirection to confuse you from sticking to your main task. The facts are they to support your task or as examples when you speak. Oh well, i decided to join in as i can't pull back the topic as all of them (no offense) were into concentrating on athletes already. Anyway, they just want to see our speaking and communication skills so there is no right or wrong answer. At least the interviewers liked our discussion because it was lively. IT wasn't monotonous and boring. I also tried to pass the ball to someone else so that i do not look like dominating.

Personally, looking back, i think the reason why i wasn't cut off in the individual session is because i was fulfilling my task accurately? I'm not sure , but i think that is what happened. The whole interview process finished at about 10 something in the morning.

It was still early for my English and Critical Thinking test which starts at 2.30pm. Watch Discovery Channel and Disney as usual. Lunch was horrible as usual. Hehe.....

At about 2.15pm i was prepared to go downstairs from my hotel room. As usual you press the lift button and wait. When the lift door opened, i only TOOK ONE step into the lift and.

The whole electricity in Rajah Court Hotel was cut off. I was shocked and startled for a few second. Any sooner and i would have been trapped in the lift for a few minutes. After about 30 seconds, i went in the lift as the electricity came back on again. Then i adjourned to the "grand hall" for the exam. Haha. Later on i heard that electricity was cut off again after we went downstairs using the lift. Phew!!!!! closed one lar........

The exam was further delayed by 20 minutes as the electricity wasn't back yet. We had to sit for three test. English Placement test, Verbal evaluation, and Diagrammatic Series.All are MCQ(multiple choice questions)

English Placement Test(1 hour/50questions):
Its harder than SPM english as the test has very high standard of vocabulary and grammar. Not only that, most of the answers are quite close and you have to decide which is the best answer.

Verbal Evaluation(30 minutes/60 questions):
Basically they give you a short passage followed by four statements. Your task is to label the statements with either A,B or C. A for true, B for false, C neither , you need more information to see whether its true or false. Its a bit harder as you cannot answer based on your own acquired knowledge but solely based on the passage.

For example, the statement stated "Nuclear Plants are dangerous because they are many accidents that occur". I chose "c" because the passage didn't say anything about accidents but just said that people are against it. Its true in reality but not in the test. So i kept on erasing my answers as i tend to blacken the wrong one. Sigh~

Diagrammatic Series(20 minutes/40 questions)
I find this fun and exciting. I wish got more time but i finished it 3-4 minutes earlier . Hence, i got time to check the hard ones. I'm confident i can get mostly correct for this one. A lot of people "tembak" but i didn't. I guess the IQ online test that i always do helps quite a bit. Haha, experience mar......

After the whole thing, i rushed back to the hotel room and packed my back . Checked out and went home. Plonked on my bed.......so tiring BUT FUN. Nice getting to know so many people in two days. Met some recommers too.

Anyway, for those who want to try out these test we experienced go to http://www.shlgroup.com
They shouldn't have printed the website on the paper. Now people can go and practice. haha.

Next Post: Big Apple Donuts Review, bad or Good?

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